Srinivas University had organized Online Quiz Competition
Mangaluru: Department of BBA Honors/Logistics and Supply Chain /Hospital Administration/Public Administration /CMA of College of Management and Commerce, Srinivas University had organized Online Quiz Competition on Environment topic for their students on Monday 7th June 2021.
II year BBA Logistics & Supply Chain student Mr. Joel James, II year BBA Honors students Mr. Shreyas Salian and Ms. Lana Ika have secured first price.

Joel James


Lana Ika
III BBA Honors student Mr. Abdul Khader Naushad and I year BBA Hospital Administration student Ms. Sankirthana had secured second prize.

Abdul Khadar

Students of Logistics and supply Chain Mr. Shivaratnaprasad from II year and Ms. Praapti S from I year have secured third prize.


Shivarathna Prasad
The Programme was organized by Prof Nelson Pereira – Course Coordinator of BBA degree programme under the guidelines of Prof Keerthan Raj – Dean of CMC.