Successful Surgery of Duodenal Ulcer Perforation with Severe Respiratory Distress at Srinivas Hospital
One night in April 2021 when it was well past midnight a car came speeding through and stopped in front of the Casualty gate of Shrinivas Hospital, Mukka, Mangalore. Out of the car came a sobbing mother holding a child in her hands. They were attended to and rushed into the Emergency department(ED). Here was Master Bhuvith, gasping for breath and had a very distended belly. He was critically ill. Immediately all the Medical personnel were alerted and sprung into action. Bhuvith’s oxygen saturation on air was only 70, oxygen was started and all the necessary measures taken. The Paediatric team on call arrived in no time. Paediatric Surgery team represented by DrSuhas a Young and budding Surgeon was called and Dr VP Singh, Professor and a Senior Paediatric Surgeon arrived to the ED.
After Bhuvith was stabilized aXray was done which showed his belly full of free air. The Diagnosis was evident, “A hollow Viscus perforation”(there was a hole in his stomach). The condition of Bhuvith being critical, the necessity of stabilizing him and proceeding with an emergency operation was communicated with the uncle present on the spot and the Mother was appraised as well. It was nearly 2 am by then and the father was in another town about 45 km away and his phone not reachable. An operation had to be done and the father needed to be around. Bystanders went to fetch him and they arrived after a few hours.
The operation was conducted in the early hours. Operating on an extremely sick child involves well coordinated team work. The Anaesthesia department under the leadership of DrPrashant handled the anaesthesia from beginning to the end of operation very well. There was a hole in the first part of his small intestine, just beyond the stomach. This is a very rare condition in a 5 years old child. The repair was done in an innovative, first of its kind manner. Once the operation was completed, it was essential to what in Medical terms is called, Elective Post operative ventilation. He was kept in the ICU and once again team work came into play. Under the leadership of Dr VP Singh the Paediatric Surgery team, the Intensvist: DrJayprakash, The Anaesthesia team, the Paediatric team and the Nursing team worked tirelessly to ensure Bhuvith recovers completely. He recovered and came off Ventilator on the 4th day. There was an issue with his wound which needed wound care and a surgical repair. He was shifted out of the ICU to the Ward on the 8th day and made gradual recovery. He was allowed to drink and eat by mouth from the 6th day. . He was standing with support by the 10th day and kept recovering till he was Discharged on the 16th day.
The six days in the ICU were an ordeal for the family. The anxiety on the Mother’s face was evident. An occasional tear was also noted. The Nursing and Medical staff took special care of encouraging and counselling her. Everyday an old shaky and tired looking woman who is in her eightees presumably was seen walking with a stick in a hand and tiffin box in the other, that was Bhuvith’s grandmother, who tirelessly took care of him once he was back in the ward.
Doctor Suhas along with many other Junior Doctors put in a lot of effort for Bhuvith as they do for many others. There is a wealth of knowledge to be gained even as they work hard at Srinivas Hospital. DrSuhas has also struck a special cord with Bhuvith. Both will probably remember it for a long long time.
At Srinivas Hospital we care for many like Bhuvith. There are many more stories we can share and look forward to doing so. Bhuvith has a twinkle in his eyes now. His Mother is anxious no more and an occasional tear of joy could be spotted the Grandmother had a positive intent in everything before they left.